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Audits and Institutions


Don't just Audit

Do more with P3M.AI's IMPACT

  • Set Actions based on Audit Reports through Tasks and Goals

  • Monitor Growth and Development through a dedicated Dashboard

  • Create a holistic Environment for Professional Development

We made this Application For

Image by Lukas Blazek


Image by Kenny Eliason


Image by Marissa Grootes


Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • IMPACT Auditor

    Every month
    For Auditors and Trainers
     30 day free trial
    • P3M's Quality Education Template preloaded
    • Set your Custom Audit Types
    • Auditing Tool
    • Task Management Tool
    • Custom Dashboard
  • IMPACT Administration

    Every month
    For Institutional Administration
     30 day free trial
    • Institution Management
    • P3M's Quality Education Template preloaded
    • Set your Custom Audit Types
    • Auditing Tool
    • Text Management Tool
    • Custom Dashboard
    • Social
  • IMPACT Faculty in charge

    Every month
    For Institutional in charges
     30 day free trial
    • Classroom Management
    • Auditing Tool
    • Task Management Tool
    • Custom Dashboard
    • Social
  • IMPACT Faculty

    Every month
    For Faculties and Auditees
     30 day free trial
    • Personal Dashboard
    • Complete Tasks
    • Upload Evidence
    • Peer Auditing
    • Social

IMPACT for Auditors

Integrated Multidimensional Personalized Assessment and Communication Tool

1 / Audit Type

Define your Audit Type with Customizable Parameters

  • Set up to 10 Parameters to define your Audit Type. These Parameters are tracked through a dedicated Dashboard

  • Set up to 15 Criteria for each Parameter. These criteria are included in Audit Forms for thorough and defined evaluation.

  • Criteria can be rated on a scale of 1 to 5. Set 5 different Expectations for each Rating from 1 to 5 to clearly define criteria rubric.

  • Assign Audit types to Educational Institutions using IMPACT. Easily set your Auditing Standard for Institutions to monitor their Faculty through your Parameters, perform internal and peer Audits based on your Forms, and set tasks and goals defined by you. 

2 / Auditing Tool

Provide comprehensive and customizable audit capabilities, ensuring that institutions can maintain high standards and identify areas for improvement effectively.

  • Create custom forms based on your parameters, criteria, and expectations. Share custom forms with institutes for internal and peer Auditing as well as performance monitoring and development.

  • Create Milestone Audits marking your Audit Forms as PACT (Periodic Audit and Communication Template)

  • Schedule and Perform Audits. For institutions with IMPACT get list of Teachers through Group IDs created by School Admins or Super Admins. For Institutions without Impact create an unlimited number of Teacher Personas and record their performance.

  • Upload evidence to Audits to justify your ratings. Evidence can be Images, Videos, or Documents. 

  • Generate Reports instantly as soon as you finish your Audit. You can download/view these reports anytime.
    Get a Free Report Sample.

3 / Task and Goals

Task management system integrated with the auditing tool to ensure that insights from audits translate into actionable tasks and goals, driving continuous improvement.

  • Create custom tasks for each Audit Type you define, from a wide array of Fields to clearly define goals and expectations. Develop tasks that address specific areas of improvement identified in audits.

  • Save commonly used tasks as templates for easy reuse.

  • Link tasks directly to audit parameters for targeted improvement.

  • Set triggers based on audit performance to automatically generate tasks.

  • Distribute tasks to teachers and admins for accountability.

  • Allocate tasks to groups for collaborative efforts.

  • Provide feedback on task progress and completion.

  • Generate detailed reports on task completion and performance.
    Get a Free Report Sample.

4 / Custom Dashboard

Our dashboard provides key insights and visualizations, allowing auditors and schools to monitor performance and make informed decisions.

  • Access a comprehensive view of audit activities, custom performance metrics, and insights.

  • Easily filter data to focus on specific schools or audit types.

  • Monitor individual teacher performance and progress.

  • Visualize performance across various parameters using horizontal bar charts.

  • Analyze teacher performance distribution with pie charts.

  • Gain insights into audit results and task completion rates.

  • Track completed and pending tasks.

  • Monitor performance trends over time for Audits individual parameters. 

1 / Management

Manage and monitor your institution/institutions

  • Create your Institution's profile on Impact with unique ID. You can share this ID with Auditors and Faculty to audit/join your institute.

  • Create classes and sections and assign them to faculty

  • Create faculty groups. These group IDs can be shared with auditors requesting an audit of those particular members.

2 / Audit Type

Facilitate multiple audit categories and types. 

  • Auditors/Administration can set different Audit Types they want to track.

  • Set up to 10 Parameters to define your Audit Type. These Parameters are tracked through a dedicated Dashboard

  • Set up to 15 Criteria for each Parameter. These criteria are included in Audit Forms for thorough and defined evaluation.

  • Criteria can be rated on a scale of 1 to 5. Set 5 different Expectations for each Rating from 1 to 5 to clearly define criteria rubric.

  • Monitor 4 different categories for each Audit Type

    • External (Performed by Auditors)​

    • Internal (Performed by Administration)

    • Peer (Performed by Faculty)

    • PACT (Milestone Audits)

3 / Auditing/Observation Tool

Provide comprehensive and customizable audit capabilities, ensuring that institutions can maintain high standards and identify areas for improvement effectively.

  • Create custom forms based on your parameters, criteria, and expectations. Share custom forms with institutes for internal and peer Auditing as well as performance monitoring and development.

  • Create Milestone Audits marking your Audit Forms as PACT (Periodic Audit and Communication Template)

  • Upload evidence to Audits to justify your ratings. Evidence can be Images, Videos, or Documents. 

  • Generate Reports instantly as soon as you finish your Audit. You can download/view these reports anytime.
    Get a Free Report Sample.

4 / Task and Goals

Task management system integrated with the auditing tool to ensure that insights from audits translate into actionable tasks and goals, driving continuous improvement.

  • Create custom tasks for each Audit Type you define, from a wide array of Fields to clearly define goals and expectations. Develop tasks that address specific areas of improvement identified in audits.

  • Save commonly used tasks as templates for easy reuse.

  • Link tasks directly to audit parameters for targeted improvement.

  • Set triggers based on audit performance to automatically generate tasks.

  • Distribute tasks to teachers and admins for accountability.

  • Allocate tasks to groups for collaborative efforts.

  • Provide feedback on task progress and completion.

  • Generate detailed reports on task completion and performance.
    Get a Free Report Sample.

5 / Custom Dashboard

Our dashboard provides key insights and visualizations, allowing auditors and schools to monitor performance and make informed decisions.

  • Access a comprehensive view of audit activities, custom performance metrics, and insights.

  • Easily filter data to focus on specific schools or audit types.

  • Monitor individual teacher performance and progress.

  • Visualize performance across various parameters using horizontal bar charts.

  • Analyze teacher performance distribution with pie charts.

  • Gain insights into audit results and task completion rates.

  • Track completed and pending tasks.

  • Monitor performance trends over time for Audits individual parameters. 

6 / Social

 Social for your Faculty and Administration​

  • Create posts about activities and share best practices of your institution.

  • Pin important posts.

IMPACT for Institutions

Integrated Multidimensional Personalized Assessment and Communication Tool

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